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a future-ready infrastructure

Sunset Digital’s voice and data services are transported on multiple,
diverse 2.5 Gbps protected rings – providing immediate redundancy or
re-routing of information if a pathway is broken. This capability vastly
reduces the possibility of lost or diverted data.

Bristol VA Economic Dev broch lo res (00

Sunset Digital boasts an all-fiber backbone and 800 miles of fiber-optic

cable that loop from Bristol to Wytheville to the West Virginia state line

and westward back to Bristol. 


Initially designed for internal communication among BVU's substations,

the fiber-to-the-user (FTTU) network was extended first to schools and government offices, and then to commercial and residential customers.



Bristol VA Economic Dev broch lo res (00
Bristol VA Economic Dev broch lo res (00
Bristol VA Economic Dev broch lo res (00

"We have been warmly

welcomed by state and local

officials, and we feel certain we have found the right home for our business."

Robert Burton CEO

American Merchant Textiles

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