Office of Economic Development
Business Retention & Expansion survey
We offer access to the knowledge and skill based environment that businesses look for – with future-proof infrastructure and a pristine location far from the hurried pace of metro life.
Located within a day's drive of 70% of the U.S. population, the City of Bristol offers the convenient Southwest Virginia location, eager workforce, and low cost of living your business needs to thrive. Come visit and you’ll learn why Bristol is not only a good place to
live but a great place to do business. Located in the southern Appalachian Mountains, Bristol rests directly on the Virginia-Tennessee state line and is part of the metropolitan statistical area that includes Bristol, Kingsport and Johnson City, Tennessee – an area of more than 500,000 people. With its centralized location and easy lifestyle, Bristol is considered
a great alternative for the migration of businesses without the high cost of metro areas. In fact, our cost of living is about 25 percent lower than in major urban areas.
Besides being a prime spot for your business , Bristol has a distinctive country music heritage and pristine landscapes that draw thousands of visitors each year.
Check out Bristol Virginia for your next business location.
“One of the reasons
I selected this region
is the high quality of life
the area offers, including
high-quality education, health
care, telecommunications
infrastructure and other
–Jim O’Neil, President of
Information Technology Sector
Northrop Grumman
When you're in Bristol, you're right where you need to be
The City is home to many manufacturers, retailers, and
entrepreneurial businesses. Bristol encourages and supports the
growth and expansion of its existing businesses and welcomes all
new business investments. The City can assist new and expanding
businesses in locating affordable financing opportunities and
provides various forms of incentives to support these investments.
Bristol Virginia is unique in it is the only city that qualies for both
the Tobacco Region Opportunity funds and Tennessee Valley
Authority grants.
Discretionary Incentives
Commonwealth’s Development Opportunity Fund (COF)
Virginia Economic Development Incentive Grant (VEDIG)
Major Eligible Employer Grant Program (MEE)
Virginia Investment Performance Grant (VIP)
Virginia Small Business Financing Authority (VSBFA)
Economic Development Access Program
Rail Industrial Access Program
Recruitment & Training Incentives
Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP)
Regional & Local Assistance
Tobacco Region Opportunity Fund (TROF)
GO Virginia Region One business-led initiative
No Net Loss Performance-Based Incentive Program
Bristol Virginia Utility's Economic Development Grant Fund
Rehabilitated Real Estate Tax Exemption
Expedited Permitting and Business Assistance
Design Assistance
Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs)
Virginia STEM Industry Internship Program (CSIIP)
Virginia Enterprise Zone – Job Creation Grant
Virginia Enterprise Zone – Real Property Investment Grant
Local Enterprise Zone – Building Facade Improvement Grants
Local Enterprise Zone – Business Location Assistance
Local Enterprise Zone – Job Training
Tax Incentives
Commercial and Industrial Sales & Use Tax Exemption
Opportunity Zone Tax Incentive.
New Markets Tax Credit.
Data Center Retail Sales & Use Tax Exemption
Green Job Creation Tax Credit
Major R&D Expenses Tax Credit
Refundable R&D Expenses Tax Credit
Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit
Recyclable Materials Processing Equipment Tax Credit
Worker Retraining Tax Credit
300 Lee Street
Bristol VA 24201
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: